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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 03/13/07
March 13 , 2007
Municipal Office
Northeast Harbor

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Jock Crothers, Storey Litchfield, James Black, James Bright, Shawn Murphy, Ted Bromage, Dana Haynes, Eric Jones.
Not Present/excused:  Rob Leibow, Tom Brown, Doug Foster, Thomas Fernald
Guest: Storey King, James Allen

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from November 14, 2006

     Bromage moved and Black seconded to approve the minutes of the MMC meeting of     November 14th, 2006 as written.  Vote 7-0 in favor.

C.       New Business
1.      Respond to Storey King's request to transfer ELIZABETH T, and business, and all rights associated with the Town of Mount Desert to Andrew Keblinski, DBA Schooner Rachael B. Jackson.
(note:)  Copy of Letter of Request enclosed.  

Storey King requested to remove this item from the agenda.

D.      General Issue

    Discussion by Bright regarding the commercial dock and operations from it in Northeast Harbor.

       1.      Open

E.           Old Business

         Discussion on the marina improvement plans for the future.  Advised the MMC on ideas that have been brought up and that would like to be completed within the next three years.  Shawn discussed the possibility of having Mr. MacDonald come to a future meeting and discuss the improvement plan that the University of Maine had done four years ago.  

         Also discussed the possibility of a pump-out vessel for the area and the grant opportunity that is currently available for this.  
F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

    Bright motioned and second by Bromage to adjourn.  7-0 in favor.

Submitted by: Shawn Murphy

Shawn Murphy